At Austin Computer, we specialize in the repair and building of custom gaming PCs. We have custom built gamers in stock. They range from starter units to the high-end, top-of-the-line. We make sure that all our gaming computers (or Gamers) run at the maximum efficiency for their particular level of PC gaming.

New Builds
Newer and better CPUs, faster RAM, and better Graphics cards are continually hitting the market. But knowing which are best for your gamer is the trick. Sometimes, we recommend getting a newer unit instead of pouring money into a computer that will not cut it for much longer.
We stock 3D graphics cards that can allow your computer to handle more complicated 3d graphics games. Some of the newer games that are released have very high requirements and demand for processing power and graphics capabilities are essential.
We can custom build your dream gaming system. You can give us the specs you want and we’ll get all the parts, put it together, load the operating system, and burn it in by putting it through a series of grueling tests to make sure all if functioning as expected.
If you prefer to provide all the parts, we can do the build!
Is your current gamer lagging behind especially on the parts where you don’t want it to? The best parts of a game are when there’s a lot happening on the screen at once. That puts a strain on the resources of your gaming PC.
Bring it to us for an evaluation. We can tell you why it’s lagging and make recommendations for what you can do to fix it. Sometimes, the answer is a simple upgrade or a software issue. Either way, we can find out what’s wrong and put you on the road to better gaming.
Or if you just want to get ready for the next generation of games, we can get you upgraded to the max! We have the expertise to get the best match of hardware and how to configure the software for maximum performance.
Either way, you’ll be ready for the future!

SSD Upgrades
Before jumping into purchasing a solid-state drive, do some research on which is the best value for the money. The cheapest is not always the best solution. When weighing the cost of each dollar against performance, it’s better to match the correct drive to your computer’s capabilities.
When we build gaming computer system, we strive to eliminate any kind of “bottleneck” that may exist. That involves knowing what drive is the best suited for your gamer. We can do that for you!
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